A new star is born: BONES & MARROW
Enzo Sisto 3 maart 2019
You will discover more about Bones & Marrow in the special edition of the magazine FOOD FIRE April 14th 2019.
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Few days after the Caput Mundi KCBS contest
Enzo Sisto 19 oktober 2019
A really nice letter from Gaetano Ciani - Procarni Gennazzano.
Carciofi alla Romana VS Carciofi alla Giudia
Enzo Sisto 12 januari 2022
The question is: are artichokes alla Romana and artichokes alla Giudia the same thing? Many tend to confuse the two recipes, but let's try to dispel any doubts: the artichokes alla Giudia are a delicious recipe to taste the fried artichoke, while the artichokes alla Romana are cooked in a pan.
Enzo Sisto 1 mei 2020
BBQ Street can be seen daily from May 11th at 17.30 hrs at 24Kitchen. The episodes are 24 minutes. The Dutch veal they use is made by Van Drie Group and is durable, easily digestible and deliciously tender. The beef is the only Original Limousin© from the Limousin region in France, a favourite among French chefs and known for its delicate flavour formed by the rich soil and flora on which the cattle graze.