MEAT SUMMIT 2019: Château Boucher more international than ever…

Enzo Sisto 19 oktober 2019

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Milan October 16th 2019

The first edition of the Meat Summit is a chance to know everything happens in the meat world.

Mark Up – the organization – is the most influencing magazine in marketing and communication in Italy.

Food Stage was there to speak about two ethical productions we have realized in France with COVILIM member of the Carnivore Group. Both concerning pure Limousine Beef from the woods of the Limousin region, west side of Massif Central France.

The first is for the Dutch market and speak about animal welfare, certificated by the Dutch Animal Protection (Beter Leven Keurmerk 2 and 3 stars), the second our semi-wild breeding antibiotic free 100% for the Italian and German market.

Next Save the Date is the HORECAVA in Amsterdam January 13th to 16th 2020, a professional trade fair for horeca, normal trade and retailers.



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