Great BBQ Day in Haarlem - May 12th 2022

Enzo Sisto 14 mei 2022

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Haarlem May 12, 2022

Great BBQ event organized by the Dutch National BBQ Weeks Foundation.

Just two days ago. We are still enjoying the memories of this happy happy party!


Around 350 professionals from all over the Netherlands met to talk about the latest trends and the latest tools in the BBQ world.

Thanks to #TheBastard #GrillGuru #Napoleongrill #Ofyr #FoodStage #VanDrieGroup #Ameco we have achieved the following objectives among others:

the election best BBQ butcher of the year (Ben Keulen), best BBQ book of the year (Jord Althuizen), best BBQ influencer of the year (Allerhande by AH), ...a complete article about the world of BBQ in 2022 can be found in our magazine "The ultimate Grilling Guide". To receive it, just request it from

we presented the new Smoke & BBQ product line (dutch meat, fish, vegetables, bread) ready to grill in the BBQ but not only

...we have published our magazine The Ultimate Grilling Guide 2022 powered by Fire&Food (thank you Bastiaan, Barbara and the team)

...we presented our new BBQ Basket

powered by GrillGuru:

... and we are proud to have been nominated for best influencer BBQ 2022 with Smoke & BBQ 



Smoke&BBQ the largest BBQ FB community into The Netherlands:

Proud: with my book "Wetenschappelijk BBQen? Ja, graag!" which explores the scientific aspects of the phenomena in the raw materials used in BBQs. Book in which I was helped by the wonderful photography of Sylvia Fransen and the inspiration of Harald Poelstra of Smoke & BBQ. 

Sylvia and Jord!

We talked, tasted, we had fun, we had the surprise of a #WolterKroes concert, ...

above all we have shared memorable moments from 2.30 pm to 8.30 pm with all those who love and work in the world of BBQ

Last but not least:
delicious veal offered by the Van Drie Group and superlative beef offered by Ameco were the protagonists of the entire event and delighted all present. The van Westreenen family - AMECO's founder and member of the Van Drie Group - was also enjoying the event with us:

An important note: the joie de vivre that characterized the expressions and faces of all present. BBQ brings people together.
I am proud to be co-founder of this Foundation able to give so much happiness to everyone.



Special thanks to the organization: Patricia van Krieken (Stichting Promotie Kalfsvlees), Laure van Rijn (Napoleon grill), Frank de Bruin en Jo Ann Hoogland (The Bastard - Ofyr - Grill Guru).

If you were with us: thank you to have been a part of it.

If not: hope to see you in the 2023 edition!

Friendly regards Enzo Sisto


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