Horecava: Château Boucher photos gallery

Enzo Sisto 18 januari 2020

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Guest on the stand: great people and delicious products.

Everyone try our meat, finding it an unforgettable experience.

Have a look on the short version of our photo gallery.

Here in the photo Enzo Sisto and Ben van Beurten Master Chef 

If you don't know him (...how is it possible?) please read => https://svhmeestertitels.nl/alle-svh-meesters/meester/ben-van-beurten/ 

Next: a great skin packed Côte de Bœuf Château Boucher

Here above Matteo Zanasi visiting our stand and Enzo Sisto

Here onder: Rene Pluijm TV chef (http://www.renepluijm.tv/) with Enzo Sisto, Celine Moreau and Olivier Aubert.


Just remember (short 3 minutes film) how pure and simple the life can be when you are a Château Boucher farmer.

Next:  veal cooked ham Food Stage cutted in a steak and roasted in an airfryer for 8 minute by 180 Celsius. Delicious.

Next: Casa Vercelli means high end Italian Gastronomy.


Next: a butcher style fresh Tartare brand Château Boucher

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