Enzo Sisto 10 april 2017


... that's why we went looking for royal Limousin meat for you in France!

Select one of the most prestigious meats where tradition wants the product to give the best of itself. Quality is not just about taste and tenderness; Security, information and respect for the natural character of the product are just as important. In France we have selected the best producers who are known for their excellent performance in Limousin's cattle.

The limousine belongs to the blonde cattle branch of the Southwest. She comes from the western part of the Massif Central (Limousin) where the cattle are present for a long time, as evidenced by the frescoes of the caves of Lascaux nearby. Over the centuries, animals of this region have adapted to local conditions granite soil acidic and weakly mineralized, hilly, high thermal amplitudes with frequent frost and snow very common. These factors have led to the development of a hardy variety, especially with an exceptionally thin but firm bone structure, specificity that it should perhaps owe to the demineralization of the soil.

These cattle live and grow in freedom almost all year round and are bred in the traditional way and with maximum respect for the welfare of the animals. Their food is checked, their water tested, the health by the vet and, moreover, guaranteed by the pride and love of the French farmers themselves.

This is not only due to ethical considerations, but is also an important factor that benefits the quality of the final product. From now on the prestige with the guarantee of animal welfare with the Beter Leven quality mark 2 stars.

Limousine Breeders lend attention for a long time to improving breed through selection. These efforts are now being realized through a successful selection scheme that allowed, along with improvements in nutrition and behavior of the animals, to make an essential limousine meat breed in the world of breeding. This success has also led her to become a strong symbol of identity limousine.

Our future vision for the consumption of high-quality, prestigious meat is optimistic. The goal is to gain and maintain your confidence by delivering consistently high quality. You are increasingly critical and you want to enjoy a nice piece of meat. Experience a beautiful moment. The addition of culture and tradition can make such a moment unforgettable.

Bon appétit!

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