National Butchers Italy

Enzo Sisto 3 maart 2019

a blog Orlando e Mara di Mario

Sermoneta February 2019

In the splendid setting of the Latin countryside a different and unusual lunch.

An exceptional company with Mario's Mara and Orlando, Roberto Passarella, Gaetano Ciani, Enzo Sisto.

Table set with a view of one of the most beautiful butcher's counters in Italy, chatting and dreaming together.

In this gourmet lounge the topics are relevant. The future of artisanal butchery with Roberto, the WBC world championship in Italy in 2022 with Orlando, the explosive growth of the BBQ community with Gaetano, innovation and the evolution of trends in meat with Enzo, ...

In short, lots of positive energy, lots of passion, and lots of enthusiasm. Keep in touch.

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La viande de Limousin

Enzo Sisto 16 juli 2017

Breaking news: our meat directly from the Limousin region can be found in the Netherlands! It is DekaMarkt and Dirk van der Broek available.

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The Bastard BBQ Kamado Grill

Enzo Sisto 27 december 2017

It is incredible! The Kamado grill The Bastard is able also to grill a classical veal “Cotoletta alla Milanese”. Danny Hovestad keep it about 15’ at 150°C.

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Milan, Tutto Food 2023 first day: news and impressions.

Enzo Sisto 8 mei 2023

“You need to know the past to understand the present and guide the future”. Cit. Thucydides 431-404 BC

That's why we begin this Tutto Food 2023 report, with a legacy of CIBUS 2023.