New entry at Chateau Boucher

Enzo Sisto 27 december 2016

Alfredo Adriano from left to right4

We are happy to announce that Adriano Amighini (everyone knows him as owner of Restaurant Ozio in Amsterdam) will be involved as JUNIOR SALES BENELUX and ITALY in our organisation from january 2017. Adriano will be the right hand of Alfredo (left in the photo).

Adriano speaks English, Spanish, Dutch, Italian, Brescian.

We wish him a big smile and a lot of business. 

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Enzo Sisto 16 juli 2017

We are proud to announce the opening of the new tasting-kitchen at our office centre: Wateringweg 115 - 2031EG Haarlem - The Netherland.

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Great BBQ Day in Haarlem - May 12th 2022

Enzo Sisto 14 mei 2022

Haarlem May 12, 2022 Great BBQ event organized by the Dutch National BBQ Weeks Foundation. Just two days ago.

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The best quality ever from France here in The Netherlands

Enzo Sisto 4 januari 2020

I’ve enjoyed a Limousin’s entrecote and a beef steak coming directly from France. It is for sure the best match with your Bordeaux or Bourgogne wine.