SFIZIOSO: everyday is a great #vealday. Via Bagutta Comunicazione Lab Milano

Enzo Sisto 24 februari 2023

When we began the adventure SFIZIOSO seven years ago together with Savino Vurchio and Maria Elena Marani of Via Bagutta Comunicazione we did not expect such an important success.
Who are Savino and Maria Elena? Savino is the founder and the driving force behind Via Bagutta Comunicazione; Maria Elena in particular is the conceptual and operational manager of the SFIZIOSO project.
What is SFIZIOSO? This food and wine website that talks about travel, cities, trades, tourism, culture but above all traditional gastronomy, often revisited in an easy and modern key, has become a reference for Italian consumers and professionals. It contains countless video recipes, but also a cooking school that has become almost an academy of Italian gastronomy.
In SFIZIOSO we do prefere to use veal.
Veal is tender, delicate, savory, sweet, passionate, intriguing, sophisticated and simple at the same time. Moreover, present in the Italian gastronomic tradition with over 80 regional recipes that represent a cultural heritage to be preserved and defended.
Today in 53rd place in the list of the most visited sites in Italy in the food sector with over 8 million unique visitors (2022).
But what exactly does "Sfizioso.it" ?
It promotes a joyful and modern lifestyle, explaining and interpreting in easy video recipes a noble food strongly rooted in the Italian gastronomic tradition: veal. But not only this. It talks about nutritional values, healthy combinations, itineraries to discover related products, ancient professions such as that of winemaker, butcher, ...but also tourist trips, anecdotes and more.
A long list of gastro-curiosities but also stories of the territory such as the one on the "Typical mountain cuisine" which explores traditions and ways of doing things from all over the Alps. Or "What to do on Easter Monday"...
The absolute protagonist in SFIZIOSO is the resident chef Stefano De Gregorio, @chefdeg.
We read on his page on the Compagnia degli Chefs website:
"His name is Stefano De Gregorio, but for everyone he is Chef Deg. Born in 1975, he is from Busto Arsizio and has Molise origins. He has always been in love with cooking, since he was a child, when he helped his mother make home-made pasta home.
In 2014 he stood out in the Le Strade della Mozzarella event where, by participating in a food contest, he won the competition thanks to the opinion of the jury, which included some of the best Italian chefs. 2015 is instead the year of the great victory at the Cous Cous Fest in San Vito Lo Capo with the dish A trip to Sicily: he established himself first in the Italian championship, then in the world one together with the chef and friend Rocco Pace. These successes were followed by the recognition of Top Italian Chef as one of the best Italian chefs and the awarding as protagonist at the Brodetto Festival (2016). Until 2019, the year in which Chef Deg achieved another great success: victory at the Girotonno di Carloforte with the Parma Modena Carloforte recipe.
Currently Stefano De Gregorio is resident chef of the Saporie Lab in Milan, he is part of the team of the Compagnia degli Chef, organizes cooking classes, workshops and participates in events throughout Italy."
Let's start with Stefano, the star performer. In recent years many famous people have interfaced with him in the kitchen of the LAB. Sonia Peronaci, Cristina Chirichella, Maurizia Cacciatori,...
Federico Quaranta, well-known TV presenter of "Linea Verde", "Decanter", "Prova del cuoco",...
Davide Paolini (Il Gastronauta), Sara Farnetti, Susanna Bramante, and many others. But also many many famous chefs. Impossible to mention them all: I'm sorry. To get an idea, just browse the website. Among all the "father" of the Company of Chefs: Igles Corelli.
SFIZIOSO also supports charitable initiatives with its chefs such as that of 2022 in San Patrignano, embellishing them with exquisite recipes based on veal.
Read more: https://www.sfizioso.it/gala-delle-stelle-san-patrignano/
But how does a day at the "SFIZIOSO" LAB unfold?
Here is an interview with Savino Vurchio, founder and director of Via Bagutta Comunicazione, who takes us step by step into the secrets of the LAB.
Silence: the film is being shot!
Here in a religious silence some gestures of Stefano are filmed as he grapples with 4 regional recipes made for a very important supermarket chain. Up on the first floor one of the dishes already made on video is photographed for publication.
At the same time in the meeting room, guests talk about a series of in-store activities with "show cooking" in which the emotion of the recipe shot in the studio is revived for the consumer.
In fact, this is what a chef communicates: emotion. Of course, a delicacy illustrated by @chefdeg will be offered: "Piedmontese veal tartare in its taco" and "Vitello with tuna sauce"
We talk about how to link these cooking shows to promotional activities, to geolocated action on FB, to the integration of the social media of the distribution chain with the SFIZIOSO website to increase the synergy of the project,...
Happily a short break! A couple of questions to @chefdeg who briefly answers us during this break and tells us what the recipes are. Don't worry. The name and the photos of these recipes follow but to find out more you will have to visit "SFIZIOSO".
Here we are:
Abruzzo - Cut: veal chuckroll
Recipe: Tagliata with Amatrice pecorino and fennel
Marche - Cut: veal maminha
Recipe: Grilled baby spinach with paprika rub and grilled snow peas seasoned with lime soy and chilli pepper
Umbria - Cut: veal loin without bone
Recipe: rolls with Norcia raw ham, pecorino cheese and lentil salad with cherry tomatoes and spring onion
Lazio - Cut: veal picanha
Recipe: grilled picanha with chicory and anchovy mayonnaise
What a delight. Just looking at the photos makes my mouth water.
The day is coming to an end and a light dinner near Via Bagutta Comunicazione is a must.
Let's go and visit Claudio Sadler in his informal modern restaurant "Chic'n Quick" not far away, in Via Ascano Sforza.
“The great cuisine is the good one, made of simple things, genuine products, ingenious creativity and passion” . Claudio Sadler.
A 5 minute walk from the LAB.
The Michelin's starred chef has just moved his gastronomic restaurant to Casa Baglioni Hotel, a member of The Leading Hotels of the World network, in Via dei Giardini, also in Milan.
In the photo Claudio just in the middle, on the right by Savino Vurchio.
What does it offer us? A light delicious ceviche...
Pomegranate ceviche, scallops, prawns, amberjack, yellow cherry tomatoes, baby corn on the cob and radishes
or a tasting of marine delights...
Raw fish: nine types with their garnishes
and the great, inevitable, beautiful, tender, tasty, incredible and unmissable Queen of Milan:
"Cotoletta alla Milanese":
You will always wonder which wine accompanies these dishes. Well we also preferred an exceptional Nebbiolo from Lombardy by Nino Negri also for the appetizers chosen by our Savino, who is a connoisseur.
This wine is a conquest of a man. Nino Negri.
From the steep terraces the grapes are harvested by hand and then transported by helicopter to the winery. Every sip should be savored with respect and recollection. Each grape has known the sacrifice of those who harvested it.
The time has come to explain who exactly Via Bagutta Comunicazione do.
Savino Vurchio explains to us how his dream matured when he was a young basketball player in Serie A, a long time ago.
He fell in love with this extremely difficult discipline: marketing and communication.
Through a very nice and smart presentation folder of the VB Group he makes us understand what his work is.
By analyzing strategic objectives and corporate vision, Via Bagutta assists companies in defining a brand strategy. Through an in-depth vision and understanding of the corporate positioning of the competitors, it enhances the differences and the positive capital gains of one's own client. After careful verification of trends, Via Bagutta creates a communication strategy that defines the customer's brand. Positioning, advertising, copy strategy lead to a creative idea disclosed through any useful means of communication, both traditional and modern.
Via Bagutta creates thematic portals, informs about food (example Informacibo.it), manages a group of 40 famous professional chefs ready for anything, creates photographic and video content, expresses house style and graphic design, creates advertising campaigns, conceives and creates websites, creates radio and television commercials,...
An event of any size is designed and built, stands in every fair, but also competitions, giant road signs,...
Here is an idea of the companies that have "found refuge" in VB Communication:
All these news can be found on their website and on related sites. In any case, the results and the numbers speak for themselves.
So we are almost there.
If someone, not only in my professional sector, were to ask me: "Would I do well to entrust myself to Via Bagutta Comunicazione?" my answer would be: "Absolutely yes".
And if someone asked me what I wish for SFIZIOSO?
"I wish it an English or international version, so as not to be just a food and wine portal reserved for Italians, but a very useful gateway to Italy for all European gourmets. A true ambassador of the Italian culture."
Have a look for example about what Stanley Tucci did for the Italian Gastronomy:
CNN https://edition.cnn.com/shows/stanley-tucci-searching-for-italy
BBC https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0bncl3n
Searching for Italy is an American travel and food show on CNN. The series follows Academy Award-nominee Stanley Tucci, which travels around Italy describing cultures, cuisine and history. The series has received many awards and nominations.
SFIZIOSO can do the same promoting the traditional veal recipes and culinary history of Italy. I know it for sure.
Thank you dear friends and see you soon!
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