The best quality ever from France here in The Netherlands

Enzo Sisto 4 januari 2020

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Yesterday great day! 

It's the time of the year to get a little less calorie.

That’s because less carbohydrates and no cheese is a good choice.

Beef steaks, when they are not too fat, have mostly no more than 150/160 kcal/100gr.

So, an entrecote, some vegetables and a nice salad could be the most intelligent choice for a while.

That's the reason I was surprised and happy to find the best quality ever from France visiting DEEN supermarkets is selling Limousin Beef and declaring it coming from France.


Julius Caesar: Veni, Vidi, Vici.  Me: I Buyed , I Tested , I Enjoyed. With friends!


It is amazing because the Limousins there are free to move in the woods of the Limousin district in France a big part of the year. They are happy and humanely raised. It's because they are staying with the same farmer all live long as family. Without being deporting as livestock to another country. So, they have a better social life.Obviously they are healthier there, and enjoy the beautiful nature of the French Limousin region.



So, when you chose to eat Limousin Beef please be sure that the meat come directly from the Limousin Region in France. 

The certification of the Dutch Animal Welfare – BETER LEVEN KEURMERK two stars - is a warranty for the consumer. You know the motto “Beter Leven: check 't label even…”.


Just do it. Meat is tender, tasty, juicy, good. So, go there and try it.

Let me know your experience by mailing to:

Friendly regards Enzo Sisto

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