Visit us at Sial 2018

Enzo Sisto 25 september 2018

Stand Sial

From October 21th to 25th 2018

Parc des Expositions hall 6 - L 179

5 nominations for the SIAL INNOVATION AWARD 2018:

"!" To celebrate this we will organise tasting & talking everyday.

Waiting for you! Be welcome.

Please annonce your visit at : 

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Boeuf Limousin Blaison Prestige

Blaison Prestige Cote de Boeuf

Enzo Sisto 8 januari 2017

It is a good start of the year. Just taste in Limoges a Blaison prestige Côte de Bœuf Limousin.

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The Burger born to match people

Enzo Sisto 7 maart 2021

The Urban Share Steak Burger, as the product's name says, was born as a burger to share. The ingredients are exclusively natural. Meat comes from suppliers previously selected according to the virtuous production of breeders, the level of food safety and the certifications acquired.

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SIAL 2022 first day. Innovation award and more.

Enzo Sisto 15 oktober 2022

First day at SIAL 2022. First of all I would like to mention the two nice mascottes Obelix & Asterix of our hotel.